Deadboy Welcomes BODYSIEGE to the family

Deadboy Records welcomes Wellington’s sonic filth merchants BODYSIEGE to it’s roster.

New Zealand noise degenerates BODYSIEGE are a four-piece band creating a nihilistic cacophony of sparse genres including sludge, industrial and doom.

The band's distinctive, punishing tones are created by the capital’s Ryan Paul (NUTE), Duncan Nairn (Hiboux), Luke Weston (Vicissitude / FATDICK) and Alec Morris (Smegmartyr).

The bands’ debut offering ‘History of Violence’ was recorded live in the bowels of Park Hotel, and explores themes of vengeance, self-destruction and existential crisis.

Known for their oppressively loud performances, this recording captures the visceral confrontation that is BODYSIEGE’s live act.

The cassette EP is scheduled for release in June 2022 and pre-order packages will be available from May.

For fans of: Godflesh, Kollaps, Craft, Dark Throne.